
正宗IPD | IBM的集成产品研发(IPD)实践(二)

GEORGE陈果 陈果George

上接《正宗IPD | IBM的集成产品研发(IPD)实践(一)

4,Design/ Development

The best practices and extensive analysis of how operations were done helped the corporate reengineering team architect IPD. No popular business process reengineering methodology or approach was used to design IPD, the efforts were led by each subject matter expert and reviewed with other corporate team members. A process model was developed based on principles, the process framework, measurements, and supporting enablers.

4.1 Principles

Four principles were defined. While each will be described separately, they are parts of a whole expected to receive synergy from the implementation of the set.

The four are:





ASYNCHRONOUS DEVELOPMENT and BUSINESS TIERS both work from a model shown below. Asynchronous Development is based on the work at each tier being done separately, completed separately, and combined as needed. The figure shows integrated offerings as the top tier of integration, with hardware and software parts coming from slightly different tiers. The intent is for platforms to use the subsystems that are available without risking the whole project schedule on the completion of a new technology or subsystem. Integrated offerings combine hardware and software platforms, and include discussions with services integration.

Business Tiers is focused on the business model for each tier and the decision making on whether to go to market at each tier, or only at some of the tiers. Thus, each tier is driven by its own business model and balanced by the rate of technology innovation and the need to deliver timely and competitive products.


IBM的企业再造团队基于最佳实践以及对内部业务操作的广泛分析架构了IPD体系。设计IPD并没有采用时下流行的业务流程再造方法论,而是由每位主题专家领导,并由其他公司团队成员来评审。流程模型基于如下的“原则、流程框架、衡量指标和促成器” 而开发的。本节详细介绍这四点:

4.1 原则



• 异步开发

• 业务分层

• 结构化流程

• 基于团队的管理。

4.1.1 异步开发和业务分层



Structured Process

Structured Process also includes the formal process model to be described later as well as a management system (including roles and responsibilities); education, communication, and documentation plans; and an information technology plan. IPD facilitates the generation of facts to support decision making. The key element in the management system is the Decision Check Point (DCP). The process model defines four of these:

• Concept DCP: The executive layer -- managed by the Integrated Portfolio Management Team (IPMT) -- reviews the Concept DCP proposal built by the project layer -- managed by the Project Development Team (PDT) – and compares the concept against the commission. The IPMT decides if the investment is still worthwhile in the context of the rest of the portfolio choices;

• Plan DCP: The PDT builds a final proposal, or plan, and meets with the IPMT to review the plan. The IPMT decides if the investment should continue. If so, a contract summarizing project objectives and tolerance limits is signed by both teams;

• Availability DCP: The PDT brings the launch proposal to the IPMT for review and helps the IPMT decide if the investments should be made to do the product in volume;

• End-of-Life DCP: The PDT reviews the product results in the marketplace and meets with the IPMT to review the results and help the IPMT decide whether it is time to withdraw the product.

Each DCP includes a proposal prepared by the PDT, which is reviewed in advance by the IPMT members, and a presentation on the issues/highlights at a brief decision meeting. The IPMT is expected to decide GO or NO GO,but may rarely decide that more work is needed before a decision can be made. The DCPs are represented by the four two-headed vertical arrows in the attached figure; the slanted single-headed arrow represents the IPMT chartering or initiating a PDT to investigate an offering for market viability.

4.1.2 结构化的流程

结构化流程还包括后文的正式流程模型以及管理体系(包括角色和职责);培训、沟通和文档规划;还有一份信息技术规划。 IPD有助于生成支持决策的事实。管理体系的关键要素是“决策检查点(DCP)”。流程模型定义了其中的四个阶段性决策检查点:


•计划DCP: PDT制定最终提案或计划,并与IPMT开会评审该计划。IPMT决定是否继续投资。如果是这样,则由双方团队签署一个合同,概述项目目标和容差;

•可用性DCP: PDT将产品上市提案提交给IPMT进行评审,并帮助IPMT决定是否应该进行投资使产品进入批量生产;

•退市DCP: PDT评审产品的市场成效,并与IPMT开会就该成效开展评审,帮助IPMT决定是否该撤回该产品。

每个DCP包括PDT准备的提案,由IPMT成员事先审查,并在简短的决策会议上介绍问题/重点。IPMT被要求做出肯定或否定的明确决策,如果还有更多的工作需要补充,则很少做出决策。在附图中,四个垂直的双向箭头表示DCPs; 斜向的箭头表示IPMT授权或启动PDT,以调查产品的市场可行性。

The process model is organized into two layers of process as mentioned above. Each of the processes is further decomposed into:

• Subprocesses (or phases)

• Activities

• Tasks (perhaps more than one layer).

As an example, the Plan DCP is represented in the Market Management process as part of the subprocess called Manage Market Segment and Assess Performance, the activity called Manage Market Segment Business Plan, and in the task called Conduct DCP reviews.It is also represented in the Product Development process as part of the subprocess called Develop Product Definition and Project Plan, the activity called Prepare DCP Package with a task to collect from several tasks in the previous activity for Build the Project Plan Elements, and the activity called Execute DCP Directives in several tasks.

The process is not intended to be definitive at the desk procedure level. In fact, the required implementation in each business unit is to the activities level. The business unit may customize the tasks, and each business unit is expected to document its customized version of the process model. Similarly, standard education and training modules are built and the business unit may prepare customized versions.

The process is supported by information technology for the corporate standard items. Again, each business unit in its deployment may opt to add function and customize. The cost of doing so and maintaining the changes as the corporate process model grows or changes is a consideration for the level of business unit customization.








Team Based Management

There are two principal teams in the model: the IPMT which manages the portfolio and the PDT which manages a project. Both teams are cross-functional -Marketing, Development, Production, Finance (and others as appropriate to the business unit or project) -- and intended to be mirror images of each other. Both teams are assumed to have extended members, such as staff or line groups to perform the work which generates the facts to support the decision making. Functional executives are on the IPMTs and provide guidance to functional managers on overall resource and skill needs for current and future strategies and plans. Functional managers provide members for the PDTs and lead the resource management efforts on resource tradeoffs among projects and ensure continuing functional excellence through skill building and experience sharing.

Other teams are formed optionally, such as a Life Cycle Management Team if the business unit decides to end each PDT some time after general availability of the product/offering/solution and have one team work on the ongoing management of all products/offerings/solutions for the business unit. This team would work with all PDTs on transition plans and report to the IPMT on business results and recommended actions, including end of life.

Some business units might also form a Pipeline Management Team to work on the resources needed by all projects in the business unit and provide reports and recommendations to the IPMT on how to solve resource gaps. Such recommendations might include hiring/layoffs, training, or contracting.

4.1.3 基于团队的管理




4.2 Process Framework

Market Management Process

The Market Management process is managed by the IPMT and has six subprocesses. Most of the detail is based upon the work done by the Market Management subprocess of the Customer Relationship Management reengineering initiative (a result of the Sales starting point in the initial Gerstner memorandums). The Market Management process is used as an example to demonstrate the process building approach in IPD. The process flow chart is surrounded by:

• Begins With: an external trigger for a Process and usually the end of the previous subprocess for a subprocess;

• Purpose: a sentence on scope of the process and its primary result;

• Ends With: usually the last activity in the last subprocess

• Inputs and Outputs: generally references to documents;

• Suppliers and Customer(s): references to other processes in the corporation that provide the input documents or are looking for the output deliverables;

• Process, Tools, and Organization Enablers: additional parts of the IPD design and development which are intended to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of IPD deployment and business results. Most of these are discussed elsewhere in this Design/Development section.

4.2 流程框架

4.2.1 市场管理流程








MARKET MANAGEMENT - Understand The Marketplace

After receiving guidance from the corporation, the IPMT for a business unit establishes the Vision, Mission, and Goals for the unit, and publishes them to the employees. In addition, the IPMT commissions work to understand who is paying how much to buy what from (and through) whom. This information is usually normalized to dollars and reported in history, current period, and forecasts. The numbers can be materially affected by currency conversion rates, and inflation rates assumptions. The information includes as many demographic splits as the gathering techniques allow -- geography, industry, company size, gross product type are normal -- and is approved by the IPMT and published.

MARKET MANAGEMENT - Perform Market Segmentation

The IPMT commissions work on how to split the data into market segments. Most business units will need to split the data both into marketplace customer sets and also into brand categories and show the data in a table. In addition, the business unit may know that it intends to usepsychographicdata in setting segments, and a cube may be the structure used. The IPMT reviews and approves the work of the market analysts.

MARKET MANAGEMENT - Perform Portfolio Analysis

The IPMT commissions further market research, either secondary research or funding new studies. The data that results is used to fill the selected segmentation schema and provide the facts for supporting the IPMT selections of which segments to pursue. More willbe said later in the Enablers section about the tools that are used to provide the IPMT with strategic and financial positioning, plus the data about why customers are spending money on information technology in the selected market segments. The IPMT reviews the work and selects market segments to pursue as well as not selecting some market segments.

MARKET MANAGEMENT - Develop Market Segment Strategies and Plans

The IPMT commissions work to create a strategy and business plan for each selected market segment. An approval is done on the strategy, pending the business plan's success in supporting the strategy. The business plan includes all the elements of a brand plan plus some internal plans on how the business unit will accomplish the plan and how it will manage resources and productivity investments. The IPMT reviews and approves the business plan, which is published to the rest of the company.

MARKET MANAGEMENT - Align and Optimize Business Plan Across Business Units

The IPMT works with other IPMTs to create the best IBM business plan. This will involve working with other product business units and the sales units to look for optimum use of resources in all units towards common business goals. For example, if a product business unit is expecting a large portion of the revenues to come from an industry business unit, the product business unit would work with that industry business unit to make sure it is planning to include the product business unit's products in its sales activity. Another example is a product business unit needs to establish a new sales or distribution channel for some of their products, but the initial cost looks prohibitive. If the product business unit finds other business units wanting to establish the same channel, sharing the cost and sharing the resource building, including skills of IBM people, may make for a satisfactory proposition. The Enabler on Common Building Blocks is a formal example of encouraging improved IBM productivity and effectiveness in the marketplace. The revised Market Segment Business Plan is committed by the business units and published for other business units to access.

MARKET MANAGEMENT - Manage Market Segment and Assess Performance

The IPMT commissions the PDTs to fill the holes in the business unit's plan. The commission includes a positioning of the PDT's project in the portfolio (that is, in the business/brand plan), a statement of which market requirements are to be

addressed, and some financial constraints, e.g.; gross expense, revenue and profit targets, and resource assumptions. It tracks the PDT progress through Decision Checkpoints (DCPs), deciding whether to continue investing in the project or to stop it if the marketplace or the technology have changed from the time of commissioning the PDT, or if resources could be better spent on other projects.

The IPMT also commissions work to assess the business performance and how the process is performing (both Market Management and Product Development parts). The assessors bring back status reports and recommendations on how to

improve the business results or the processes. The IPMT reviews and approves the recommendations, which could involve changes to any of the decisions throughout the Market Management process as well as changes to the commissions the IPMT has given to the PDTs. 市场管理-了解市场

在收到来自公司的指导后,业务单元的IPMT为该单元建立愿景、使命和目标,并将其发布给员工。此外,IPMT委员会的工作是了解谁花了多少钱、从谁那里(或通过谁)、购买什么。这些信息通常以货币金额为标准,并以历史、当期和预测来报告。这些数字可能受到汇率和通货膨胀率假设的重大影响。在技术允许前提下,这些信息尽可能细化维度划分——地理、行业、公司规模、大致产品类型等——并得到IPMT的批准和发布。 市场管理——进行市场细分

IPMT委员会研究如何将数据分解到不同的市场细分中。大多数业务单元需要将数据按客户类别和品牌类别进行拆解,并在表格中显示数据。此外,业务单位还需要在市场细分中,使用客户的购买心理行为数据,并且可能使用多维的数据结构。IPMT审查和批准市场分析师的工作。 市场管理-进行投资组合分析

IPMT委托进一步的市场研究,无论是二次研究还是资助新的研究。得到的数据补充选择市场细分的策略,并为支持IPMT对目标市场决策提供事实。后面的促成器(Enablers)部分将详细介绍向IPMT提供战略和财务定位所用的工具,以及有关客户在选定的细分市场中购买行为分析的数据模板。IPMT评审工作,并选择要进军或者不选择某些细分市场。 市场管理-制定细分市场策略和计划

IPMT委员会致力于为每个选定的细分市场制定战略和商业计划。对战略进行批准,等待支持该战略的商业计划成功制定。商业计划包括该品牌计划的所有元素,加上一些其他内部计划——业务部门的关键举措以及如何管理资源和投资计划。IPMT审查并批准商业计划,并将其发布给公司的其他部门。 市场管理-跨业务单元对齐和优化业务计划

IPMT与其他IPMT一起工作以创建最佳的IBM业务计划。这将包括与其他产品业务部门和销售部门合作,寻找所有部门资源的最佳利用,以实现共同的业务目标。例如,如果一个产品事业部期望其很大一部分收入来自一个行业事业部,那么产品事业部将与该行业事业部合作,以确保其计划将自己的产品纳入其销售活动。另一个例子是,产品事业部需要为自己的某些产品建立一个新的销售或分销渠道,但初始成本看起来令人望而却步。如果产品事业部发现其他兄弟产品事业部希望建立相同的渠道,那么分担成本和共享资源建设,包括IBM人员的技能,可能会形成一个令人满意的提议。称为“公共构建模块(CCB)”的促成器是另一个例子,鼓励在市场中提高IBM产品的效率和有效性。修订后的细分市场业务计划由业务单位提交,并发布给其他业务单位查阅。 市场管理-管理细分市场并评估业绩

IPMT授权PDT来填补业务单元计划中的漏洞,包括PDT项目在投资组合中的定位(即在业务/品牌计划中),对需要满足的市场需求的进一步陈述,以及一些财务约束条件 ,例如:毛费用、收入和利润目标以及资源假设。它通过决策检查点(DCP)跟踪PDT进展,决定是否继续在项目中投资;如果市场或技术在交付PDT执行时发生了变化,或者资源可以更好地用于其他项目,那么就停止它。




